The Impact of Portraits on Generations | Family Photographer Houston, Tx

Houston’s choice in Fine Art Photography for the family. Studio located in Cypress, TX easy access from hwy 290.

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In this day and age, millions of photos and selfies are taken daily to express how we feel and capture our routines and adventures. It’s interesting to imagine a time when photographs were used to capture portraits to be passed down through generations. These images were captured as a means of remembrance and importance to connect with our ancestors. How often have you found an old photograph of your grandparents and stared shockingly at the similarities between you and their younger self? We can even look back far enough to portrait paintings of kings and queens whose lineage matches our own and find familiar features in them as well. The importance of capturing moments in time with images represents our history visually and adds to the written history that is available to us, making us feel as if we were part of their story. 

Throughout generations, photographs’ impact on society has taken many forms. The original portraits were in the form of paintings and mainly served the purpose of showcasing one's wealth and status. When the camera first became available in the 1800’s, France, images replaced portraiture paintings and became available to all social classes. This expansion changed the perception of portraiture to instead capture one’s personality and family dynamics. Images became vital in journalism and during times of war. Not only were portraits a treasure to those who had lost someone in battle, but also in capturing the story and hardships that many faced at the time. Soldiers often carried a small image of their loved ones in their pocket to be reminded of home and what existed beyond the battlefield; making their significance go beyond ink on paper.

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Yet while images made a large-scale impact on generations as a whole, they also touch our lives in more personal ways. Family portraits show us the beauty of the journey of life and how our bodies change as we age and go through different stages. Seeing yourself as a baby held by your mother and father allows a peek into a part of your life you don’t remember but yet is of incomparable importance. It provides a different take on the family dynamic that existed while you were a child and helps see things from a point of view that otherwise would be impossible to capture nor remember. Portraits are often used to highlight growth and maturity which is why many photography projects focus on the change in a person’s expression over time or after something is said that triggers a genuine smile. This is the reason why wedding photos often focus on capturing genuine happiness and quirky moments rather than more composed and posed images. What the camera is truly focusing on is the story and emotions of that moment and day. I encourage both individual and family portraits to be captured as treasured moments in time that tell not only the story of who you are, but also who you are around those you love. While we are present in the moment we may not feel that there is much going on, but years down the line these moments that once appeared mundane will hold magic that begs to be captured.